I found these boots extremely comfortable, but they are the least like my other MBTs. They have very little curve to the sole and very little height, and when walking in them they almost feel like regular shoes. If I\'d purchased them as my first pair of MBTs I think I would have been disappointed because they feel so much like regular shoes. However, they are still extremely comfortable and do have a little of the MBT action, so I really enjoy wearing them for work durng winter months. I recommend them for anyone who\'d like a pair of boots and who doesn\'t care if they get a pair of shoes which are less like most MBTs which have a lot more height and curve to the sole. Maybe a good starter pair for someone who is a little afraid of the height and curve on most MBTs. Great pair of boots in my opinion, just a little different from your average MBTs. Had to buy a half size larger than I normally wear, from 8.5 to 9. A little hard to get your foot into, but doable.
it just 79.99$
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